Cebu’s Student Centre was built 11 years ago in 2000. It provides housing and support for over 60 young people while they attend university. The youngest students (1st and 2nd year) are provided full-board accommodation in a house shared with the “bamboo” volunteer in charge of the project.Older students (3rd and 4th year) live more autonomously, outside the centre – either with their family or in student rooms. They can use the resources available in the centre when needed and attend activities every Saturday afternoon.The social centre is organized to provide students optimal conditions in which to study and live peacefully.

Cebu Student Center: Selection of students

The selection of students is conducted on three levels: social criteria, motivation and results of the entrance examination. The poorest and most deserving students are selected. Our team regularly visits applicant families to ensure students would be financially unable to study without Children of the Mekong’s support.
The team visits each family at least once a year. Children of the Mekong commits to pay university registration fees, uniforms and 90% of textbook expenses.
Parents are asked to cover 10% of school supplies and textbook costs to ensure they share responsibility for their children’s education despite their limited means.

Cebu Student Centre: a place for in-depth studies

Cebu City has many good universities offering various programs. An orientation forum, organized by the centre, helps young people choose from a wide selection of subjects they wish to study (with the exception of medical studies that are too expensive).
The Student Centre also welcomes future teachers, architects, social workers, psychologists, computer specialists, accountants and engineers (civil, mechanical, chemical, electrical, marine). The « Bamboo » volunteer as well as the centre social worker closely follow the students’ performance and academic commitment.

They must meet several requirements:
- Rigorous homework including 1h30 minimum every evening
- Consistent good grades
- Attendance of additional courses (computer science, mathematics, English)

The local team supports as much as possible the students on both a methodological level (personal organization, anticipating events…) and on an emotional level (active listening, consulting, support…)

Cebu Student Centre: a place for self-development and confidence building

In addition to providing financial support for University, Children of the Mekong assists these young people to grow to adulthood by teaching them to be confident and realize they are capable of much more.

Students are encouraged to dare making choices, give their opinion, develop a sense of responsibility and plan for their future. The social worker and the volunteer support students on a daily basis: collective lifelong learning, daily life organization, studies monitoring, personal coaching, family and social follow-up...
Students enter Cebu Centre at the age of 15 or 16 to begin the first year of their academic program. University studies as well as the transition from their family home to life in a community centre represent an important step for these teenagers.

Students become aware that they can control the path of their adult life.

Every Saturday, the team, external speakers and students themselves conduct extra-curricular activities geared towards self-development and confidence building.

Cebu Student Centre: students give back to the community

On a weekly basis, students help other people in need: visits to orphanages and centers for sick children, assistance to children living in slums, support of local religious congregations taking care of elderly people.  

Support Children of the Mekong Cebu Student Centre,
Help students graduate and start a good life on their own!

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